Trade union SAMWU says the second round of municipal negotiations in Durban on Friday yielded no results. The trade union, Imatu and employer body SALGA failed to reach an agreement affecting nearly 230 000 municipal workers.
"The unions made further movement of its position to 11.5% or R1750- whichever is greater and reduced its demand on the minimum wage to R5500," says Tahir Sema the spokesperson for SAMWU. According to Sema SALGA stuck to its previous wage offer of 4.5% without any adjustment to the minimum wage currently standing at R4620 per month.
"SAMWU will be embarking on intensive consultation with its members before the final round scheduled for mid June. This process will be made much more difficult given the intransigent stance by SALGA," says Sema. He adds that in any negotiations, it is important for parties to try to seek consensus. He says SALGA has shown no willingness to reach a possible settlement.
According to Sema workers are suffering as a result of the current economic crisis and an increase below inflation of 6.1% will be disastrous for thousands of workers. "Many are struggling to keep heads above water, given the steep rise int he cost of transport, electricity and food. We are calling on SALGA to revise its hostile stance to workers and to the plight that workers are experiencing," says SEMA
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